Friday, April 8, 2016

Where is the Love?

Gay rights has been expressed for decades now, and we as a nation has finally given the rights to the gay community to marry their loved ones. Ever since the Supreme Court declared legalization for gay marriage back in June 2015, while many states celebrated in happiness, there were still a few states standing against gay rights. Many southern states has protested against gay marriage to protect their own religious freedom. While some states illegally denied marrying same sex couples, Mississippi has made a move that allows their citizens to discriminate any gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The governor of Mississippi recently signed a controversial bill that allows businesses to refuse service to gay couples based on religious beliefs. Why is this even happening? How is it possible to discriminate someone for who they are just because of one's beliefs. It saddens me that there are people who will do whatever they can to take away a couples happiness. Everyone deserves the chance to be happy in life! Americans are too worried and wrapped around what others do with their lives.

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